National Heritage Fund Act 2003 (No. 40 of 2003).

This Act establishes the National Heritage Fund as a body corporate, defines its functions and provides for its internal organization. The principal object of the Fund shall be to safeguard, manage and promote the national heritage of Mauritius. The Fund shall be administered and managed by the National Heritage Trust Fund Board. The principal functions of the Board shall be to identify sites and to manage national heritage entrusted to it. The Minister may, on recommendation of the Board, designate, by Regulations, cultural or natural sites specified in section 12 of this Act as national heritage. The ownership of a national heritage shall remain vested in the owner. No person shall export, or cause to export, a national heritage without the prior approval of the Board.

Attached files Long title of text

An Act to provide for the establishment and management of the National Heritage Fund and for matters relating to national heritage.

Date of text 08 Nov 2003 Entry into force notes This Act shall come into operation on a date to be fixed by Proclamation.

The National Heritage Trust Fund Act, the National Monuments Act and the National Monuments (Designation) Regulations 1985 are repealed.