Apostille: Frequently asked questions

In the world, many times we need to use documents from one country in another country. For this, there is a special seal called an apostille. This seal is like a stamp that makes other countries trust that the document is real. I am a notary public, which means I help people with official papers. A lot of people come to me with questions about getting an apostille seal.

I found out that many people have the same questions and sometimes they are confused about what to do. So, I thought it would be a good idea to write this article. In this article, I will talk about the most common questions that people ask me about the apostille seal. I will explain what a notary public can do to help, and what we cannot do. I will also talk about a thing called “Apostille Certified Agent” and tell you if it's real or not. Besides that, I will explain if you need to get your document stamped by a notary before getting an apostille, what language the document should be in, and if you can get an apostille seal online.

This article is like a simple guide. If you need an apostille and are not sure about the steps, this article will help you understand what to do. Let’s learn together!

The Notary Public’s Role and Limitations in Issuing Apostilles

People often think that as a notary public, I have the power to put an apostille seal on documents. This is not true. So, let’s talk about what a notary public actually does and how it is different from getting an apostille.

What Does a Notary Public Do?

A notary public is someone who helps make sure that important papers are signed correctly. We check that the person signing the paper is really who they say they are. This helps to make sure that everything is fair and no one is cheating or lying.

Notary Public Cannot Issue Apostilles

Now, it is important to understand that a notary public does not have the power to give an apostille seal. An apostille is a higher level of checking. It is usually given by a government office. This makes other countries trust the document more.

However, a notary public can be part of the process in getting an apostille. Sometimes, before a document can get an apostille seal, it needs to be notarized. So, as a notary public, I can help by putting my notary stamp on the document. After that, the document has to be taken to the government office that can put the apostille seal on it.

In summary, a notary public is a helper in the process. We make sure documents are signed properly. But we do not have the power to give the apostille seal. That is done by a special government office, usually the Secretary of State.

Busting the Myth of “Apostille Certified Agents”

Another thing people often ask about is something called an “Apostille Certified Agent.” People call me and ask me, are you an "Apostille Certified Agent?" There seems to be confusion about what this means, so let's clear this up.

What is an “Apostille Certified Agent”?

Some people think that there are special agents who are certified to get apostilles for them. But guess what? There is no such thing as an “Apostille Certified Agent.” This is a myth. Some people use the term in their business cards, I know, but believe me, that is not real.

How Can a Notary Public Help?

Even though there is no “Apostille Certified Agent,” a notary public can still help you with the apostille process. Getting an apostille can be confusing and sometimes hard. There are forms to fill out and different steps to follow. As a notary public, I have experience with this process. So, I can guide you and help you know what to do.

For example, I can help you understand what papers you need. I can also tell you where to take them and help you with filling out forms. But remember, I can't put the apostille seal on your document.

Be Careful!

Be careful if someone says they are an “Apostille Certified Agent” and asks you for money to get an apostille for you. This could be a trick. It is good to ask questions and make sure you are not being fooled.

Notarization – Not Always a Prerequisite for Apostille

You might be thinking, “Do I need to get my document notarized before I can get an apostille?” This is a common question, and the answer can be ‘yes’ or ‘no’. It depends on the type of document.

When is Notarization Needed?

Sometimes, before a document can get an apostille, it needs to be stamped by a notary public. This might be needed for documents like agreements, company documents, or letters that need your signature. When a notary public stamps these documents, it means that they have checked your identity and watched you sign the documents or asking if you signed them.

When is Notarization Not Needed?

But, for some other documents, you don't need to get them notarized before getting an apostille. For example, if you have a birth certificate, marriage certificate, or court paper, these are already official documents. They usually don’t need the extra stamp from a notary public.

Asking for Help

If you are not sure whether your document needs to be notarized before getting an apostille, it's a good idea to ask for help. You can ask use our chat to ask. We can not give legal advice, but we can tell you if we can notarize a document.

Language Requirements for Documents and Notarizations

Now, let’s talk about languages. A common question is, “Does my document need to be in English to get an apostille?” Also, “What about the notarization? Does it have to be in English or can you do it in Spanish, Italian, etc?

Language of the Document for Apostille

The good news is that your document doesn't have to be in English to be apostilled. Apostilles can be given to documents in any language. Remember, an apostille is used all around the world, and not every country speaks English. So, the apostille is like a universal seal that works for documents in any language.

Language of the Notarization

However, when it comes to notarization, things are different. If your document needs to be notarized before getting an apostille, the notarization part must be in English. This is because the notary public’s stamp and some words that explain what the notary did (like checking your identity) need to be understood widely. And English is a language that many people and offices understand.

Apostille Online, is it possible?

In the modern world, where so much can be done online, you might wonder, “Can I get an apostille online?” Let’s dive into this and see what’s possible and what’s not.

Apostilles are Not Online – Yet

As of now, you can’t get an apostille online at least in the United States. To get an apostille, you need to take your document to the Secretary of State.

Online Notarizations to the Rescue

However, even if you can’t get an apostille online, you can make things online for you. I offer online notarization services. This means you can get your document notarized without leaving your house! You just need a computer and internet connection.

After getting your document notarized online, we will take the document to the Secretary of State for the apostille. So, for you, it's kind of like an “online” apostille process.

Not all States issue apostilles against online notarized documents. We are in Ohio,


The role of a notary public in the apostille process is to serve as a guide and assistant, ensuring that documents are signed correctly. Remember that while a notary can be part of the process, we cannot issue apostilles – that's the government’s job.

It's also vital to be vigilant and discerning when someone claims to be an “Apostille Certified Agent.” As we have established, no such certification exists. Instead, lean on the expertise of a notary public or seek guidance from government offices.

Keep in mind that notarization is not always a prerequisite for an apostille. It depends on the document in question. Also, while the document itself doesn't need to be in English for apostilling, if notarization is required, the notary section must be in English.

Although the entire apostille process cannot be completed online, incorporating online notarizations into the workflow can streamline the experience considerably.

Always remember to ask questions if you are unsure, and don’t hesitate to seek help using our chat. Fill all your data, that way we can write you even if we are not online at the moment.