Going Periodic: What Happens When a Tenancy’s Fixed Term Ends?

periodic tenancy agreements

When a landlord rents out a property to a tenant, there will usually be a tenancy agreement that specifies a period of time which the tenancy will last for.

This period of time is the ‘term’ of the tenancy. Where the term is set out in the tenancy agreement, it is usual to refer to the agreement as ‘fixed term’, as it will be for a fixed period of time. This will normally be for six months or a year. Less commonly, it can be for other periods of time.

But what happens when this period of time ends? Let’s go through the different scenarios.

  1. What happens when a contract’s minimum term ends?
  2. How are periodic tenancies created?
  3. What happens when only one tenant wants to leave a joint tenancy agreement?

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What happens when a contract’s minimum term ends?

This will depend on whether the tenants have moved out or not. Let’s look at both cases.

1. If the tenants have moved out

If the tenants move out at the end of the fixed term, the tenancy ends. It will no longer exist. This is under a rule quaintly known by lawyers as ‘effluxion of time’.

So, if the tenants have moved out by that date, then that is the end of it. The tenants no longer have any liability under the tenancy and the landlord no longer has any right to charge rent.

Landlords often get upset about this if the tenants have moved out without giving them any notice. Sometimes they may even put in their tenancy agreement a clause requiring the tenant to give notice if they want to leave at the end of the fixed term and providing for them to pay ‘rent in lieu of notice’ if they don’t.

Sadly (for the landlords) these clauses will almost certainly be void under the Unfair Contract Terms regulations (now part of the Consumer Rights Act 2015).

The tenant only signed up for a specific period of time. Any clause forcing him to stay longer or attempting to make him liable for continuing rent if he has moved out will be considered ‘unfair’ and unenforceable.

2. If the tenants remain in occupation

The situation is different if the tenants remain living at the property. Although save where there is a contractual periodic tenancy set up (see below on this), the tenancy will still end at midnight on the last day of the fixed term.

If the tenants remain in occupation, then in most cases, if no new fixed term tenancy or ‘renewal’ has been signed, then as soon as the fixed term tenancy has ended, a new ‘periodic’ tenancy will be created automatically in its place.

Unless or until a new fixed term tenancy or ‘renewal’ document is signed, the tenancy will then continue on this periodic basis.

There is nothing wrong with this. Some tenancies have run on for years on a periodic basis. You don’t have to give tenants a new fixed term or renewal.

Fixed terms are often preferable as they give both landlord and tenant more security. Plus, they give landlords an opportunity to increase the rent. Sometimes, however, if either the landlord or the tenant is uncertain of their plans, it may be better to let the tenancy run on as a periodic, as this is more flexible.

The landlord may also prefer not to be tied down to a long fixed term if they are unhappy about the behaviour of their tenant and are only willing to allow them to remain if they behave themselves on a month-by-month basis.

Whether you allow the tenancy to run on as a periodic or insist on a new fixed-term really depends on what you want and what is best under the circumstances.

Incidentally, letting agents are often keen for tenancies to be renewed as this will trigger their entitlement to a ‘renewal’ fee. Don’t let them over-persuade you. If the circumstances of your tenancy are that the more flexible periodic tenancy is preferable, then they should accept this. They do not have an absolute right to a renewal fee – however much they may want it!

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What is a periodic tenancy?

So if the tenants remain in the property and no renewal is signed, there will be a periodic tenancy. How are these created? There are basically three options:

  1. If the tenancy is an assured shorthold tenancy
  2. If the tenancy is a ‘common law’ unregulated tenancy
  3. If the tenancy agreement provides for a contractual periodic tenancy

Let’s take a look at these in turn :

1. Statutory periodic tenancy

If the tenancy Is an Assured Shorthold Tenancy, then when the minimum term expires, the tenancy will continue due to statute.

Of the three, this is the most common situation. The new tenancy will arise because section 5 of the Housing Act 1988 says it will.

The Housing Act 1988 is the act which set up and regulates assured and assured shorthold tenancies. Section 5 says that if the tenant remains in occupation after the end of the fixed term, then a new ‘periodic’ tenancy will be automatically created. This new periodic tenancy will:

This sort of periodic tenancy is known as a ‘statutory’ periodic tenancy – because it was created by statute, i.e. section 5 of the Housing Act 1988.

In most cases, the period will be monthly or weekly, depending on how the rent is payable under the terms of the tenancy agreement. However, if the last payment of rent was different – for example, if the tenant paid all the rent upfront by one payment for six months’ worth of rent – then the period of the tenancy will reflect this last payment (so in our example it will be a six-month periodic tenancy).

Most tenancies today are assured shorthold tenancies, so in most situations where tenants stay on after the end of the fixed term, they will have a statutory periodic tenancy.

2. ‘Common Law’ unregulated tenancy

Some tenancies fall outside the statutory code set up by the Housing Act 1988. In the main, these are: